Today I'm taking a different tack than usual since we in the United States are honoring all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country free - Memorial Day.

Last year my wife and I had the privilege of visiting Washington D.C. and were able to take a tour of Arlington National Cemetery.
We were awestruck at the sacrifices and lines of grave markers that were there. I also discovered that my Uncle was buried there.
I knew that he had been a part of the Bataan Death March in 1942, but didn't know that he had been laid to rest at Arlington. The time he spent as a prisoner of war drove him crazy as he witnessed many things that most of us will never see, thankfully.
Since many in my family have served in the armed forces, there is a special place in my heart for all of the men and women who have so courageously given of their lives to make sure that we can enjoy the freedom we have. It's very humbling.

My sincerest wish for this Memorial Day is to honor all of those who've made the ultimate sacrifice and to also thank the families of those brave men and women. We know that your sacrifices were not in vain.
To honor the dead, I took the following video at the tomb of the unknown soldier.
May god bless our military and our country.