It's getting to be that time of year again where our thoughts turn to family, fun, and food!
For many this is a joyous time of the year. For others, this time can be difficult as it can bring up memories of disappointments and difficulties.
Either category you may fall into, this time of year has some great music! It can uplift and encourage.
I would like to encourage anyone who may need it to download a couple of the tracks I've posted on this website, especially Silent Night and O Holy Night. They're tracks that I love to play and listen to every year.
Musicians by nature are very philosophical as they love to question everything. I've not met a musician who didn't ask questions about life, love, and especially human nature. What does this have to do with this website you may be asking? Well, let me explain.
We all have an innate desire to express ourselves. It's a God-given attribute embedded in our make-up. One of the great ways musicians have to express themselves is through their music. Why not create a website to share that creation with others? After all, that's what I'm doing here!

And for any who may struggle during the holidays, I can relate completely to how you feel. I spent many years as a single man who craved the company of someone to love. I did find a refuge in music that helped my heart to feel God's presence during those difficult times.
Being alone doesn't mean that we're not loved. We are loved passionately by the God who created us!
If you'd like to share your music on the web like I'm doing, send me an email or give me a call or text. It could change your whole outlook on life!
Contact info can be found at: https://gentlehavenmusic.com/about