Fellow web travelers, today's blog (Installment #5 of the year), is about music school. No, this isn't going to be a talk about how to get into music school, auditions, curriculum, or even survival.
This is going to be about the school of music called life! I'm also going to try to write some of this blog in Spanish (Español) since there are people from Brazil, Mexico, and Spain reading this.
If you read english only, please skip ahead at this point:

A mi amigos quien hablan espanol, muchas gracias por leer este blog.
Y para aquellos quien están celebrando Carnival, yo espero que esta vez sea muy agradable para todos.
Este blog es para ayudando a los músicos quien necesitan consejos sobre cómo tocar y disfrutar de lo que hacen mejor.
¡Muy bien!
Now, back to english.
The subject for today is music school and the first impression that comes to mind for many of us is sitting in a classroom listening to lectures and taking tests. Well, it's much more than that Thank God!
Everywhere we go we can learn from our experiences about music. For example, this morning I woke up to hearing a bird singing. When I'm with a friend that I really enjoy, there's a certain rhythm to our relationship. Even the rising and setting of the sun has its own tempo!
What I'd like to do is to stretch your thinking in this blog post. Take a look at the world in terms of rhythm, tempo, and keys. See if you can find patterns in nature or other parts of life that can enhance your music. There are plenty of opportunities every day. Take a look at the picture below to see what I'm talking about.
We will discuss this more in coming blogs. Enjoy the music of life today!

One small P.S. - There's now a Musician's Forum on this website. Its intent is for musicians to connect and discuss musical topics in a safe, respectful way. If you're interested, consider joining.