Well, we're now about four to five months into this global phenomenom called a pandemic and life has changed so much.
For some, this has been an unprecedented time of change with added stress. For others, this has been making modest changes but yet not too out of the ordinary. That is unless you've gone to the store for something.
Maybe you're like me and love to spend time in nature. There's so much to see in God's wonderful creation that it's easy to miss it. It would be helpful to all of us to slow down and soak some of its beauty in.

To help me this summer, I've been attending Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) online. We've been studying the book of Philippians that the Apostle Paul wrote almost 2,000 years ago to encourage the first church he planted in Philippi.
The blog post I wrote on Wordpress is about how we think and what we think about. As with the book of Philippians Chapter 4, verse 8, Paul encourages us in our thought life: “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable." You can read my blog here: https://artists.gentlehavenmusic.com/index.php/2020/07/
My encouragement to you today is to fix your thoughts on things that will help your attitude and mental health to stay positive. Since we are bombarded by constant negative messages, we need to change our perception to keep from getting mired in the mud.
And, this can and does include listening to music that is uplifting. I do have some available on my music page if you'd like a start.
Blessings to you!